Mitsubishi Electric Around the World
Special Event United States
Fun and games with a serious goal Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc.
November 2018
Vanessa Craven (top, far right in the picture below) is a customer service representative in the Visual Information System Department at Mitsubishi Electric US.
2017 Hallway Golf – Around the World – “It’s a Small World” hole
In addition, she is a member and a former co-chair of the company’s DREAM Committee. The committee meets each month to organize various philanthropic projects. Perhaps the most impressive of these is the annual Hallway Golf Tournament at the company headquarters in Cypress, California.
The event is “pay for play” and Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation matches the proceeds, which help fund programs for children and young adults with disabilities. Vanessa is pleased to be a part of an event that lets people have fun and create memories together and at the same time helps people in need within the community.
As the name implies, the competition is held in the indoors on the campus. Each hole of the mini-golf course is designed by different staff members and volunteers around the year’s central theme. Past themes have included Around the World, Halloween, Fairy Tales, and Sports. It is a great chance for everyone to show off and appreciate the creative and artistic talent of the community around them.
One of Vanessa’s all-time favorites was part of the Sports theme. It was based on sumo wrestling, and was set up to look like a traditional ring. Players had to hit the ball up a ramp into the middle of the ring, which is a relatively simple task, except they were also required to wear a sumo suit while playing.
A lot goes into putting the event together. Schedules have to be made, volunteers found, prizes lined up, lunch prepared, and scores kept. However, the end result is an unforgettable day and a lot of money to help children with disabilities.
The MEUS building in Cypress, CA is close to Disneyland.